What are Themed Residential Communities?

茄子视频 provides residential experiences commonly known around the country as Living Learning Communities (LLC), but as we are a part of the Blazer Nation, they are referred to as Themed Residential Communities. Residents in our communities benefit from additional resources, support, and enhanced activities centered around a specific focus in order to elevate their residential experience.  At the center of all of our communities is the belief that learning is an active and dynamic process that occurs both inside and outside the classroom and is a process in which students use several perspectives to learn. On-campus living spaces provide an ideal learning environment as most students spend more collective hours in their living environment than in any other location on campus, including the classroom. The Themed Residential Communities available for residents are Honors, Education, Wellness, American Sign Language Immersion, ROTC, Greek Life (for future sorority women going through recruitment their first-year), Communication Science Disorders (CSD), Cultural Immersion, and Study Intensive.

About The Communities 

Honors Freshman & Upperclassmen Community

The honors college at VSU includes an exclusive residential and social community with dedicated facilities, smaller classes, scholarship opportunities, and rigorous interactions with faculty mentors. Located in Reade Hall.


American Sign Language Community

This community provides an opportunity for all students who are deaf, hearing, and hard of hearing to live together in a community where they can use and practice American Sign Language in daily living. Located in Hopper Hall.

asl llc

Greek Life Freshman Community

This community located in GA hall focuses on creating friendships, personal and leadership development, and retention of first-year women participating in the CPC Recruitment process. This community will receive programming for sorority women by sorority women with an emphasis on developing skills to be successful at VSU, within your sorority, and into the future.

Georgia Hall Greek Life 2

Wellness Community

This community located in Hopper Hall focuses on helping students develop an understanding of the eight dimensions of holistic wellness and how to implement these dimensions in their day-to-day lives, through teaching coping skills, effective forms of communication, time management, and cooking skills, among other things.


Valdosta Sullivan Scholars Program

This community is an invitation-only scholarship cohort program for teacher education located in Georgia Hall. Sullivan Scholars focuses on preparing students who want to teach in rural and or Title I Georgia Schools. 


Air Force (ROTC) Freshman Community

This community prepares ROTC cadets for their life in college and beyond. Focusing on topics likely healthy living and global citizenship, this community will prepare our Air Force cadets for life outside of Valdosta, outside of Georgia, and even outside of the country. Located in Patterson Hall.

rotc llc

Communication Science Disorders (CSD)  

The Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Community aims to provide a residential learning experience for students with shared goals and a common intellectual interest in the field of communication sciences and disorders. Participants will be supported by the faculty, staff, and students from the CSD Department. Multiple interactive opportunities will be provided throughout students’ matriculation through the CSD program. Students from all undergraduate classification levels are invited to participate.